The Art of the Devas: 3 Guna-Avatars in Interlaken, Switzerland - Do we live in a Zoo? Or in a virtual Matrix?

So, let’s say that Indian astrology / Jyotish is a mathematical proven fact and if we mathematically consider that the moon is an artificial object (Google that :-) and include this in the mathematical reasoning of ancient Indian Ayurvedic astrology of Karma and reincarnation and a learning machine of the solar system, then we recognize on what different level, with other out-of-the-box dimensions, states of mind and abilities the so-called aliens / Devas are playing. To explain this a little better, we now want to dedicate ourselves a little to their artistic impressions:

I show you a few books written by people who have been on the same trace ...

How did it started? It was around 1997 in Yosemite National Park north of Los Angeles by those huge giant redwoods which are 4000 or more years old. That time I was doing amusement-park-research and computerised human like animatronix for a rich Indian client who had a project in mind called Temple of Vedic Planetarium ... about Vedic Cosmology and ancient UFO’s and so on ... (See Fotos in the Powerpoint-Pdf: Bhagavad Gita for (Self-)Management and Leadership / Resume)


. After a few months work in Los Angeles I was fed up with this city and went in to the beautiful nature of Yosemite National Park and looking this beautiful valley I thought "Why can I not do my job in a beautiful location like this ... but of course ... that’s never possible since my ob belongs into a big city with industry and so on"

But never say never!... back in my home country in Switzerland I went into a new job-adventure in Erich von Däniken’s Mystery Park planning and constructing the Indian part with a small Temple of Vedic Planetarium with a small 18 m Projection-Dome and side attractions and I was researching UFO’s in ancient Indian scriptures (see the red arrow in the picture below)

The planning and construction site of Mystery Park was located in Switzerland’s tourist spot No: 1 in Interlaken and just five minutes drive from Mysterypark is the beautiful Valley of the Waterfalls which just looks like Yosemite National Park of even better than that. What an arrangement ... but it’s getting better... Do you want to hear how deep the rabbit hole of Alice in Wonderland really goes?

The Valley of the Waterfalls ...

"Amid dark ivy I was sitting, at
The forest's gate, just as a golden noon,
To visit the well-spring there, came down
From steps of the Alpine ranges
Which, following ancient lore,
I call the divinely built,
The fortress of the Heavenly,
But where, determined in secret,
Much even now reaches men; from there
Without surmise I heard
A destiny, for, debating ..."

"THE RHINE" by Friedrich Hölderlin
trans. by Michael Hamburger

In spring 2000 I once went, with my paraglider, to the top of the "Männlichen," a 6000 feet high mountain, from where I was flying toward the vertical glaciers of the Jungfrau (see the red dotted line below) ...

The reason for this flight was that a friend of mine mentioned a local myth, that somewhere in this particular region of Switzerland would be a gateway to the heavenly planets ...!

So hmm, I thought this is very interesting and I studied the topography of the local mountains, the beauty of surrounding valleys and the arrangements of the two big lakes by Interlaken. Then I figured that the mountains on the south side of two big lakes really appeared like huge walls of a gigantic fortress which hide or protect some kind of a valuable secret. I came to the conclusion that this gate to the heavenly planets, if it exists, had to be on a sattvic, a beautiful location maybe somewhere at the end of that beautiful "Valley of the Waterfalls", which leads towards the Jungfrau.

That’s how approximately my flight-path was ... (these pictures have been take on an other time ... down in the valley the snow was already gone.)

This valley is called the Lauterbrunnental (Lauterer Brunnen = Spring of Purity / Lauterkeit = Goodness) and its beauty is very, very impressive, especially in the springtime when it’s a big ocean of flowers and the waterfalls are getting nourished by the melting of the snow. My flight there was for sure a beautiful trip, but unfortunately it didn't show me anything about a gateway to the heavenly planets ... so far!

As I later was catching some down winds, I had to land at the bottom of that valley of the waterfalls next to a farmer's house. When the farmer came out (to complain about my landing in his fields), we had an exciting thirty minute conversation about "God and the World" and wars in the middle east and so on ...

Then suddenly he pointed his arm upwards (see the line below), towards the middle of a huge, almost vertical glacier in the middle of the Jungfrau and said:

"Do you see that hole in that glacier there, at a height of around 7000 feet? This is the "Kriegsloch" (War-hole) ..."

"... it is almost always open! However, whenever there is a war on this planet, the glacier closes the hole ...! It has happened like this many times: It happened during the first world war, it happened during the second world war, and it happened during the gulf war as well."

This was obviously very interesting for me, since I didn't even touch the subject, and yet this farmer gave me, on his own accord, the solution to this mystery!

Interestingly enough, the place I landed, next to the farmer's house, is the only location from the bottom of the Lauterbunnental from where you can see the Kriegsloch - thanks to the opening of the narrow "Trümmelbach" canyon. This place is "right" next to the well-known
Trümmelbach Falls. The Trümmelbach Falls are spectacular 10 underground waterfalls, which alone drain the waters from the glaciers of the three "Guna mountains"; Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau.

(Btw. I'm the red one on the top ...)

This glacier hole, which he called "das Kriegsloch" (war-hole) is actually not a war-hole - it is the opposite - it is a "peace-hole," since it is open during peacetimes but it freezes and is closing itself during war ... It must be a gate of Sattva-Guna - A location where the energy of goodness is coming from, since Sattva-Guna is the energy which dominates the heavenly planets in the Vedic philosophy. When the Sattva-Guna mountain decreases its radiation, then this glacier hole gets covered by ice and Sattva-Guna is vanishing. The energies of the two other mountains, Tama and Raja-Guna, ignorance and passion are beginning to dominate the planet and we start to have war, since that is what happens, when there is more ignorance and passion then goodness. And this is the reason why the locals call the glacier-hole "Kriegsloch", the war-hole.

To understand this a little better we have to make a quick excurse into Vedic (old-indian) philosophy and to Yoga-Psychology and the natural scale of ethics ... What are the three Guna-Avataras? Avatars are expansions and personifications of a particular characteristic or energy of the personal aspect of the Absolute. The three Gunas-Avatars are in the Vedic (Hindu) philosophy the personification of the three basic psychological factors of the universe, and they correspond to the three basic functions of material existence or activities:

- Formation or creation (Raja-Guna)

- Existence or maintenance (Sattva-Guna)

- Decay or destruction (Tama-Guna) .

- "Tama-Guna", is referring to destruction. It is characterised by anger, indignity, hatred, corruption, hypocrisy, idleness, evil, grief, megalomania, insanity, arduousness, disrespect, fear, apathy, blindness, ignorance, violence, betrayal, impurity, madness, darkness, destruction to the physical body through alcohol and drugs, damage to the environment through pollution, through war, violence and terrorism etc. It is controlled by Guna-avatar Shiva, the destroyer of the universe. The half-moon on the head of Shiva has been mistaken by the early Christians as horns of the devil, but actually Shiva is Vishnu (which we describe below) in his work-clothes to do a dirty job in the material universe. Love needs free will and free will needs an option.

- "Raja-Guna", is referring to creation. It is characterised by passion, lust, material desires, collecting of wealth, exploiting passions, domination by physical impulses, dissatisfaction (even with gain), false pride, arrogance, aggressiveness, augustness, vanity, self-glorification, restlessness, immodesty, control seeking, greed, envy, gross identification with status symbols, Ferraris etc. It is controlled by Guna-avatar Brahma, the creator of the universe. Brahma is like we are a conditioned mortal being. He is the highest position a condition soul can achieve in the universe and it is also the first live-form of a soul in the beginning of the circle of birth and death. His position between Vishnu and Shiva represents our choice between sattvic or tamasic activities.

- "Sattva-Guna" is referring to maintenance. It is characterised by goodness, love, knowledge, wisdom, peace, happiness, purity, cleanliness, beauty, aesthetics, light, illumination, charity, cheerfulness, equanimity, altruism, the greater ability to differentiate between things, control over the mind, control over the senses, control over the tongue, tolerance, patience, fulfilment of duty, love of truth, for-giveness, care, satisfaction (even in adverse situations), generosity, honesty, self-control, equilibrium, trust, feelings of responsibility, modesty and ease, non-complication,. It is controlled by Guna-avatar Vishnu, who is the maintainer of all the universes and he is also the source of all the other Avatars like all the Brahmas an Shivas in all those many universes. Pure Sattva is the characteristic of god.

Radical, all embracing love or any love is only possible with free will and free will is only possible if there is an alternative around. Raja- and Tama-Guna are the temporary alternatives to the eternal Sattva. It is very significant to understand that the three Gunas are not dominating the free will of us humans, they only define the radius of our circle of free will. The Gunas are like the winds that approach us from different directions and similar to a sailboat we are able to manoeuvre against the wind or in the direction of the winds.

The three Gunas are frequently mentioned in the Vedas (the classic Sanskrit texts of India), and we can translate Guna as "mixture" or the three Gunas as "the three modes of material nature" or as "the three binding ropes" or as "the three psychological factors". The three Gunas we can compare also with the three primary colours in the colour-spectrum and similar, the three Gunas are in this temporary world always mixed in various ways:

These three Gunas are constantly influencing the desires and the consciousness of the living entities on this earth planet and in the rest of the universe. Each individual sees the world from an entirely different perspective and has a differnt radius of freedom, depending on how it is controlled by a particular Guna. By carefully and consciously choosing the modes of nature we live by, we can actually direct the quality of our existence and the destiny of our future. The often quoted idea that "we create our own reality" makes in this context a practical sense.

(More about that by: "Gunas", by Yoga - Psychology and Healing on the Spiritual Path)

Now lets go back to the three Guna-Avatars in Interlaken, Switzerland. What are the characteristics? The three mountains in Interlaken, Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau are around 13,000' high and are dominating the entire region here - the alps - the mountain region of central Europe. On a clear day it is possible to see them from as far as France and Germany. Behind those three mountains is the biggest glacier of central Europe which is around 15 miles long. If we look at a summer satellite picture, we can see around these three mountains the biggest white spot of snow and ice of central Europe.

It seams that these three mountains are like a big three phase, high voltage, current plug for the planet earth, each with their particular Guna. In the balance of the three Gunas, it these three mountains in Interlaken are playing an important role, since they are a local source of these three energies. We know from the Vedas, that besides humans, animals and plants, big mountains can have a soul as well.

I did some research and found out that this glacier hole is observed by the people of the Lauterbrunnental since many centuries. Its special characteristics are mentioned in old documents. But even today you find books mentioning this mystery. One example is the book called
"Das Kriegsloch" by the Austrian mountain climber, Rudolf Alexander Mayer. In another book, which is written in Swiss-German: "A Chratte voll mit Lauterbrunner Sagen" by Hans Michel, we find that the glacier hole was also closed during the Spanish War in the 17th century and during the French-German war 1870/71. And very recently, I found another interesting book: "Magisches Berner Oberland" from Pier Hänni. He describes both the Kriegsloch and many other mysteries of the surrounding area. He describes a radiation of the Jungfrau, and even presents the idea of "three murti " (three deities), which in essence are the three Guna-Avatars, but he does not mention the three Gunas, or which mountain is which Avatar, or why the glacier-hole is closing and opening itself.

But before we explain this subject in more detail, let's first have a closer look at them ...

If you look from Interlaken, the mountain towards the left is called Eiger. It is almost 12000 feet high and it is the smallest of the three mountains and stands for the "lowest" of the three Gunas; the Tama-Guna, destruction and ignorance and it is controlled by Shiva. It has a big dark 6000 feet high cliff, called Eiger Nordwand, which is well known and feared, because many climbers have died there. Here is a link to the deadly history of Eiger Nordwand. It even had been named "the Death Wall" due to many tragic events that took place there. Clint Eastwood made a film here. As Shiva is caring a halfmoon on his forehead - which became horns in the Christian mythology ... we can clearly see the halfmoon (or the horns) on the Eiger Nordwand ... or even more if we look long enough ... but of course as a german saying goes ... we don't want to paint the devil on to the wall ... let's go to the other Gunas ;-)

The mountain in the middle is named Mönch and a little higher than Eiger. It stands for Raja-Guna or passion, which is a better quality than Tama-Guna but not as good as Sattva. It is controlled by Brahma who is according to the Vedic literature a conditioned soul which has some purification to do before liberation ... so the name Mönch (or monk) is fitting very well. The Mönch has four sides or planes which match up with the four faces of Brahma. The mountain saddle between the Mönch and Jungfrau is well-known as the Jungfraujoch with its highest railway station in Europe at 11400 feet / 3454m above sea level. The word "joch" origins from the Sanskrit word yoga which means "connecting".

And last but not least, the highest mountain of the three, a little separate towards the right, is called Jungfrau, which stands for Sattva-Guna, the energy of beauty, wisdom, goodness and opulence. Sattva-Guna is controlled by Lord Vishnu, who is spiritual in nature and the origin of the other two Guna-Avatars, Brahma and Shiva.

Sattva-Guna is the highest of the three Gunas and because it is purer than the others it is illuminating us and it will free us eventually from the cycle of birth and death. I therefore would like to illustrate this particular mountain a little more and tell you how this mystery has revealed itself.

If we look at this Sattva-Guna-mountain a little closer, we will see the different features and symbols of the Sattva-Guna-avatar Vishnu. These symbols are in his four hands: Sankha = Conch, Chakra = Fire-discus, Gada = Metal-mace and Padma = lotus. On the picture is the face very nicely illuminated by light of the evening-sun. And "right" there, where his feet are, we will find "das Kriegsloch", that glacier-hole, the farmer talked about it. But on that Hand where you see on the picture the lotus, I would place, when I look closer at the mountain, the Gadha, the metal-mace, but I guess that’s not a problem since there are many Vishnu-forms with different names according to which hand holds which particular symbols. The conch is on its "right" place since the snow is casting a very conch like shape as you see very well on one of the pictures below.

Interestingly, if we have a look at the town of Interlaken itself, we see that just about a third of the town is in direct view of that glacier hole and we find here the symptoms of Sattva-Guna as well. This part is very beautiful, rich and opulent. We find here the five star hotel, the Jungfrau Victoria (, the best hotel in Switzerland, and many large watch and jeweller shops and other expensive stores; in the middle of the mountains, far away from the big cities. This is the rich and luxurious part of the town and the top notch, jet set is living here, and if we walk a little further either direction until the glacier-hole disappears behind the mountains, the town suddenly changes its face and you see old buildings falling apart and nothing is that opulent anymore ...

(The photo above is copy"right" protected by the photographer Jost von Allmen. You will find many more photos of the mountains and the surrounding region on his web page

Now, what does all that mean for us?

It is actually quite simple: our body, our surroundings and our living standards are an expression of our consciousness. Our consciousness develop our actions and as we act, we take shelter of a specific mode of material nature and develop a specific consciousness. Our consciousness not only decides our present reality but also shapes our future, the consciousness at the time of death will decide our next birth. We create under the influence of the modes of nature our next body, to suit our actions and our actions under the influence of the modes of nature create our next body, to suit our consciousness.

I describe all this in the next chapters of this website ... and the Bhagavad-gita devotes three chapters to analyze the subtle nuances of the three modes of material nature. The fourteenth chapter vers five to verse eighteen is one of those sections:

"Those situated in the mode of goodness gradually go upward to the higher planets; those in the mode of passion live on earthly planets; and those in the abominable mode of ignorance go down to the hellish worlds." (Bhagavad Gita 14.18)

As we can see, the Vedic texts show the entire cosmos as an interlinear living organism. In this way the Vedic concept of the Gunas describes that even the planets in the universe are influenced by different combinations of the three basic Gunas, what to speak of the living entities on these planets, the so-called extraterrestrials. The Vedas not only describe the home planets of these different living entities, which are sometimes situated in different dimensions and time frames, but also describe aerial vehicles, called Vimanas. Many Indian temples have such a "Vimana" stone disc at their top.

According to the Vedas, extraterrestrial beings have been in contact with our planet since time immemorial. They know our history much better than we do. They also know the subtle laws of the material nature, i.e. the laws of the three Gunas and the source of these energies. In other words, the more elevated living beings from higher planets also know about this very special location here in Interlaken, especially about this mountain of Sattva-Guna.

In this context, I think it is very important to know the science of the three Gunas, so that we are able to differentiate between the different natures of extraterrestrials. Some of them are in the positive mode of Sattva-Guna and others are in the negative mode of Raja- and Tama-Guna. Both of them are in contact with us...

We humans are obsessed with ourselves. We think that we’re the only ones in the universe. But out there, space swarms with different planets and various forms of life. Over there are the Sattva-Guna planets of harmony and light and in the Indian scriptures, the inhabitants are called Suras.

The Suras have developed in a very high degree all those sattvic features which we describe in the other chapters. They don’t have to earn a living. They’ve developed all kinds of mystical skills with Yoga and meditation which make excessive industrial development of their planets unnecessary. They can create, communicate, perceive and travel lon distances just with the mind. They can assume any form they like and life for example in a sun in a fire-body. The spaceships from these planets are like flying biospheres and the ancient Indian scripts call them Puspa Vimanas or flower ships and they are used sometimes to carry humans from Earth as well. With their mystical skills, the suras have a strong influence on order in the universe. The Suras acknowledge the supremacy of the personal Aspect of the Absolute and there a connected with Him by Yoga and meditation and that’s how they receive their powerful mystical skills "right" from the moment of birth.

A position of power which however is challenged, they are often forced to defend because of the Tama-Guna-planets which are full of aggression and evil. The surfaces of these planets have an excessive technical development and are highly polluted. Crude customs rule on these planets and they are dark, covered with huge, artificially lit cities and are always cloudy. The inhabitants of these planets are known as the Asuras. The Asuras are atheistic and greedy in nature and their spaceships are monstrous steel constructions equipped with a multitude of terrible weapons. The Asuras use these star ships to continually seek out new planets with new recourses and living space.

As well as the planets of the Suras and the Asuras there are the planets of the Raja-Guna. These are planets of passion and hectic. Since Raja-Guna is the mode of creation the civilisations of these planets are on a lower level of development. The inhabitants have yet to decide in which direction Sattva or Tama they wish to evolve. They have to fight bitterly and work hard for survival and they strive to achieve their many unfulfilled desires. You’ve guessed correctly: according to ancient Indian scriptures, our earth is also one of these planets. Now the Asuras are once again trying to conquer these young planets by force.

Luckily the Suras are always able to prevent this happening but it has lead to big Star Wars more than 5000 years ago as described in the Indian scriptures. Since the Asuras are not able to conquer the earth with crude force the have developed a new strategy and they work undercover in order to drag the human civilisation more and more into these lower modes of nature of Tama- and Raja-Guna and they hope that the Suras will lose their interest in a tamasic planet.

If now those in de Vedic scriptures described Suras and Asuras exist or not ... we look at the world today, we get the impression that the Asuras are quite successful:

Satellite-Picture shows the Air-pollution in Europe

We still can change the direction create a planet of Sattva with the spreading of these information and all embracing love.

The Conclusions ... For as you are now aware, the mystery of mankind’s future in fact lies in his past. Inhabitants of earth, you now have free choice of the direction in which you wish to go. With peace and tolerance, yoga and meditation you can change everything. The future will decide....

If we compare the material world to an ocean, then the Gunas are the waves that toss the living entity around, until they learn the art of purifying their consciousness in order to free themselves from the entanglement of material nature. Sattva-Guna, Raja-Guna and Tama-Guna are the forces that drag us higher or lower within the ocean of material existence. In order to leave the ocean of the cycle of birth and death we have to leave behind the waves of Raja and Tama-Guna and reach the state of pure - unmixed Vishudda Sattva .

All-embracing Love is the highest expression of Sattva In Visuddha-Sattva everything is saturated with Love. Love is the highest expression of Sattva and this is expressed in its highest form by the appearance of Lord Krishna and his consort Radharani who is the personification of Love. Radha ist the Absolute consciousness in female form (Saktis ) and she is also the origin of us Jiva-Atmas.

Radha-Krishna looking at Gangadevi befor mount Jungfrau (made by an unknown Indian Artist)

There are even more interesting mountains in the Alps (The paintings in the night-sky are made by Syamarani under the supervision of Srila Narayan Maharaja):

The Yajna (old-Indian fire-sacrifice)

Sometimes we will perform a Yajna for our own spiritual benefit and for the one of human society. This will be on a special place, where the peace-hole by the feet of Guna-Avataras Vishnu is accepting by prayers. (Of curse only sattvic - no animal sacrifice or hallucination-drugs - only mantras, butter and some fruits!!!)

This place will be on a hill near the Wengen-Alp straight in front of the Sattva-gate – the glacier-hole on the Giessbach-Hängegletscher of the Sattva-Guna-Mountain. On this place created the first Yajna in 2000 many fruits and prayers have been answered. The Dharma-Ethicparty came into existene. AWebsite for the synergy of spirituality und politics:

For the meditation it is very much worth to walk the tummelbach-canyon ether up or afterwards down - see the pointet line in the next picture ...

This prayers can be an old-Indian fire-sacrifice or otherwise. (Of couse it will be sattvic i.e. no animal sacrifice or drugs etc.! ... only mantras, purified butter (Ghee) and some fruits). We can influence here in Interlaken directly the world-karma of human mankind. We request your presence at this occasion to render the message of peace and harmony amongst the diverse cultures of the planet.

Man made disasters have turned our planet susceptible and vulnerable to chaos and commotion. Unrest is widely prevalent amongst nations, societies, families, and individuals. There is more necessity of peace than ever before or anything else.

Because the magnitude of problem is enormous, so should be the treatment and hence we have taken upon ourselves the onerous task of performing this Maha-Yajna . This Maha-Yajna will give all participants the opportunity to get a glimpse of our enriched ancient Vedic heritage. With the recital of selected hymns, this Yajna will be conducted in the same manner as in ancient times. It will create the environment of a rishi's age-old ashram.

The main purpose of this Maha-Yajna is to strengthen one's physical, mental, and spiritual power, which we can use in the service to universal peace and prosperity.

The pictures above are made in Summer 08 from Wengen-Alp

and the pictures bellow are made end of October just before the Snowfall:

Some of our meeting points for Yajnas: